
Fallout 4 | Top 7 Glitches/Exploits of 2016 - Best Fallout Glitches That Aren't Patched

2016-08-07 37 Dailymotion

Top 7 Glitches/Exploits in Fallout 4 so far in 2016 - NEW Dogmeat Duplication Glitch After Patch 1.3 - Invisibility Glitch - Unlimited Settlement Size Glitch - After Patch Vendor Glitch

#7 Invisibility Glitch 00:42

Full Detailed Video:

Must have level 4 science perk and level 5 on sneak. Also but the stealth boy modification for the torso of a power armor suit. Enter the power armor and crouch and you will notice you turn invisible. From there quickly press the crouch button three times very fast and you will become invisible even if you get out of the armor.

#6 Unlimited Settlement Size 01:15

Full Detailed Video:
I never created one but this should supplement your needs on how to do this glitch.

Once you have reached max settlement size you can build even more by simply throwing items out of your inventory and opening the build menu and storing them into your workstation. Doing so will trick the game into thinking your storing other items allowing you to build more.

#5 Unlimited Caps 01:48

Full Detailed Video:
Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JV7cCYCHXo
Updated Faster Method - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7rwK3m0LjE

Head to a town called 'The Covenant' and inside you will meet a man named Honest Dan. He will prompt you to start a mission called "Human Error." Once you get towards the end of this mission Dan will pay you 300 caps when your speaking to him. Instead of continuing on with the dialogue simply step backwards and start talking to him again. Rinse and repeat to earn unlimited amounts of caps.

#4 After Patch Vendor Glitch 02:28

Full Detailed Video:

Simply head to any vendor within the game and sell them one bullet from your inventory. Select the item from their list that you want and simultaneously click A then X on Xbox One or X then Square on PS4. Doing so will cause the item to land in your inventory and bring up the confirmation menu. *Note* that this will only work if you have 0 or less caps then the item you are trying to buy.

#3 Workshop Duplication 03:11

Full Detailed Video:
Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br-4tMFuaXg
Updated Method - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8jaYL2oMBE

Make sure all your items in your junk section on person are stored away besides the shipment that you want to duplicate. Also the workstation should be entirely empty as well. Select the shipment and press Y then X on Xbox One or Triangle then Square on PS4. This will cause the shipment to copy over the materials to the workstation and leave the shipments the same. Rinse and repeat to earn unlimited amounts of resources.

#2 Unlimited Experience (Statue Method) 03:49

Full Detailed Video:
Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br-4tMFuaXg
Updated Method - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2EvgGDEKeg

#1 Dogmeat Duplication (Duplicate Anything) 04:31

Full Detailed Video:
You're Special - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ7d4a85lNg
Updated (Stacks/Ammo) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqfv4NcsL0g

Lay any single item or stack on the ground and prompt Dogmeat to pick it up. Once he begins his head animation you must pick it up yourself causing the dog to create a copy. If your using a stack the dog will only drop a single amount of the stack so all you have to do is drop the original stack, save the game and then quit. Load that save back up and both items should have the same amount.

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